Your Complete Flex PCB Solution

When it comes to PCB fabrication, it is very easy for designers and engineers to get overwhelmed by all the options, especially if you are new to the process. This highly competitive, complex marke...

What is Staggered Via?

In recent years, the electronic industry has changed due to technological advancements. The revolutionary technology has inspired the use of high-density interconnection (HDI) boards. HDI PCB allow...

Common PCB Failures and Troubleshooting Techniques

Managing a PCB assembly process can be an intimidating task. It does not matter if you outsource production or manage it in-house; numerous factors go into designing a functional product. A critica...

Automating Inter-Layer In-Design Checks in Rigid-Flex PCBs

Designing PCBs that contain rigid flex regions is a challenge. Due to how printing is carried out because rigid and flexible materials have different line widths, blind and buried vias take on a de...

The Comprehensive Guide to Principles and Practices of Flex PCB Design and Layout

It is not easy to connect the dots when it comes to PCB design. The future of technology is flexible, and manufacturing these flex PCBs is becoming complex as new technologies emerge. A flex circu...

The Importance of Rigid-Flex PCB Design Guidelines

The rise of intelligent and robust electronic devices has brought an evolution to the use of PCB. Modern-age PCBs are more efficient and easy to use than conventional ones. Electronic engineers opt...

Top Reasons to Choose HDI PCB

Modern industries are getting more digitized by the day. This is why we need to be on-boarded all the high-end technology available. More and more, businesses turn to PCBs to make electronic device...

Factors That Impact RF PCB Design

RF PCB design is a vast field that covers not only many topics but also the design of systems, the selection of components, and the implementation of the whole circuit. A well-designed high-perform...

Everything You Need to Know About Flex PCBs

The world has become smaller, thanks to the rapid evolution of technology. With burgeoning global demand for connectivity, broadband, lightning-fast data processing capabilities, etc., there has be...

ELIC PCB and HDI Multilayer Designing

The world of electronics is getting increasingly complicated with new features and functionalities being introduced nearly every day. At the same time, electronic devices are getting smaller as man...

How to design rigid flex pcb - Hemeixin

What is Rigid-Flex PCB ? As the name suggests, a flexible printed circuit is a pattern of conductors printed onto a flexible insulating film. Rigid-flex PCB is the name given to a printed circuit ...

How to BGA Fanout Routing in your HDI PCB

HDI stands for High-Density Interconnect. As the name suggests, an HDI PCB is characterized by its high density of components and routing interconnections that use the latest PCB technologies. An H...
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